Physical distancing mandates put in place by government and health officials suspended much of the in-person interactions that businesses rely on, and stay-at-home orders made technology imperative. Technology has never been more important than it is right now. When the stakes are high and deals are on the line, clients want to know trusted agents have the tools to get the job done and agents want to know that their brokerage is going to support them. Read more

The holidays will look and feel a bit different this year because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, but that does not mean holiday traditions have to stop. Some of the best light displays around Arizona have already opened for the season, while others are preparing to open in the next few weeks. Here is our list of fun, festive light shows and experiences to check out! View our list

Marissa Mullen brings holiday inspiration to your traditional meat and cheese plate. The trend-setting, cheese-loving influencer is decking the halls with the charcuter-wreath, charcuterie chalet (formerly known as the ginger bread house) and charcutertree. Whether your ready to be inspired for an upcoming holiday soiree or are just craving something fun and new, check out That Cheese Plate and Cheese by Numbers and sign up for a That Cheese Class.

Holiday 10? Quarantine 15? We’ve all heard about it…Who says you have to go to a gym to get exercise? Or even venture outside the house? From virtual training to live streaming, luxury at-home fitness is on the rise. Fitness enthusiasts furnish home gyms with NordicTrack equipment, as well as free weights, benches, yoga mats, jumping ropes, and punching bags, among other accessories. Matrix Fitness features a portfolio of gym-quality cardio and strength equipment including ascent trainers and treadmills. Read more

Who says your WFH space needs to be all work and no play? Catching up on work from the living room sofa always seemed like a pleasure—up until it became a full-time affair. With companies like Facebook and Twitter leading the charge to make working from home the new normal, the home office is finally top of mind once again. Whether used every day of the week or for an occasional evening brainstorm, a well-designed space can help shut out distractions, center the mind, and inspire creativity. Read more

You can wander into the belly of an Egyptian pyramid, explore the house where Mozart was born, or fly over the rocky peaks of Glacier National Park. Sure, you’ll be looking at a screen, but you’ll see new places, hear new languages and pick up some interesting tidbits about other cultures. Call it a warm-up for that moment when you’ll actually be packing your bags and heading out for your next adventure. View here

Sotheby’s is honoured to present A Celebration of Art Deco: Masterworks from the Collection of Dr. Stephen E. Kelly. The collection is, at its essence, a true celebration of the modernity, sophistication, richness, and aesthetic innovation of the artistic movement that defined the first half of the 20th Century. The impeccable quality of the collection is owed to the unbridled passion and unparalleled connoisseurship of Dr. Stephen E. Kelly. View more auctions